
2019-11-26 0

After-tack  — Phenomena, Causes and Solutions


2、Phenomenon:The dry, non-sticky paint film surface then appears sticky again.

3、Causes and solutions



Insufficient amount of cross-linked paint curing agent

Add appropriate amount of 

curing agent according to the construction process.

The coated object is contaminated.

Thoroughly clean the coated object.

The air is not circulated and is 

impacted by the heat.

Ensure air circulation,and 

avoid storing in high 

temperature or places with 

heat sources

Abrupt climate changes. Spraying in high humidity environment or rainy season.

Control the temperature and humidity of the painting 


When the paint film is not dry, 

overlap or pack.

Ensure that the coating is 

completely cured before 

overlapping or packaging.

Incomplete solvent evaporation.

Check whether the 

temperature and air 

circulation of the oven or 

drying tunnel are normal.

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